Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Portrait: George Orwell

I chose George Orwell because he wrote one of my favorite books of all time, 1984. I will probably draw a lot of influence from that book for my portrait. I started out by looking at reference photos of Orwell.

He's pretty awesome to say the least. Finding a color palette was relatively easy considering all the book covers his writings have produced. I decided to go with antique versions of orange, brown, red, blacks, and whites. 

I believe I will be drawing my palette from the images above. My next task was to create a word list to help get my brain flowing. 
Wanting to take it in the directions of the propaganda posters. Maybe something like the Big Brother is watching you posters. I like the colors I am getting from the book covers, and I don't want to go straight up black and white. I do like the idea of using a quote from him, but I think that may be too much. The rising sun background looks good with the color and style I might use. I kind of want to make his portrait very minimalist. I have played around with posterizing in photoshop, and I like the way it looks.  Below are some of my early sketches or Orwell. Still deciding on the background...
After thinking back on the novel 1984, I remember some quote about how the future was like someone stomping on the human face. I looked up the quote online, and it reads as follows. "Always Winston, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless. If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." Which is basically saying, government sees perpetuation of power as its own reward. From all of this, I decided to make my portrait a poster of a boot stamping on Orwell's face. 

Update time! Progress!

I've mainly been working with the paint brush and the blob brush. Adding the boot and some fill next.

I decided not to fill in the lines because it could distract from my portrait of Orwell.

Now I just need to work on my layout! Wahoo!

After my critique, I changed a lot of things….

1 comment:

  1. Very nice research, wordlist and early sketches. Your portrait style and conceptual direction is strong, make sure the headline /quote treatment links to the visual - watch scale. Keep your text block minimal. Layout sketches? Type choices? Palette? Screen grabs? Make sure you post all this including your final editorial layout for Monday.
