Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Self Icon

I first made a list of all the words that could describe myself. I wrote down several things, but the words that pulled the most at me were bangs, headset, and gamer. I spend most of my free time playing video games, and I have always had bangs!

I then began my sketches. Earlier this week, I did a project with the WWF panda. I really enjoyed the use of negative space and wanted to incorporate those elements into my sketches. I am using my hair style as well as my gaming headset for this icon.

I plan to do some research on the internet for hair icons and also study the appearance of my headset. I am considering taking a self portrait wearing my headphones with my camera at home. That would give me a good visual example to sketch off of. 

I am currently deciding if I'd like to close off the neck and perhaps add a rounded circle border, or make myself a shoulder line with my long hair falling behind it. I like the simplicity I have now. I used the line, curve, and pen tool to create what you see above.

After the class critique, I decided to change the frame to resemble my laptop screen better, as well as add some detail to the headphones and add a shoulder line. 

I still plan to add black to the shirt and play with the line thickness. It's really coming along though! Well, an hour later and I am ready to post, what I believe to be, my final. 

Thank you!
Edit** (Adjusted the chin line as much as I could.)

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