Monday, March 24, 2014

Graphs & Wallstreet Journal

Today in class we learned how to make stylistic graphs using Illustrator. There is a tool just for graphs in the toolbar. It's really fun and easy to create beautiful graphs. You can select line, bar, pie, and a few other styles.

My progress on my recreation. :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Travel Poster

I chose Tokyo, Japan because I have been there, and I absolutely loved it. It is beautiful and full of life. I could even use photos from there that I took myself. The town means a lot to me, and it is someone I would like to visit in the future.

I like this super basic font. I'd like the add the japanese lettering as well.

expanding my city scape to add font to the bottom? 

Need the pantones! 3 colors. 

My elements for Tokyo. 

Then Drake helped me fix my computer because it seriously just froze. Even the task manager was frozen.